Best Boar Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Best Boar Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Boar Galore @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Massive Boar!! @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, where he and the group embarked on two eventful nights of Hunting at Hog SWAT.

On the first night, they managed to take down 3 Big Bo Big Boars, all shot in the same group. The Successful Hunt resulted in a substantial amount of meat for the group, and everyone celebrated the great success of the evening.

The second night began with the group spotting a Solo Boar on the second field they visited. Despite getting a shot off, the Wild Boar was elusive and slipped away into the tall grass. However, their luck turned around later in the night when they encountered a Massive Boar weighing over 250 lbs. The Hunters successfully took down the Trophy Boar, choosing to preserve its head for a euro mount.

Guide Hank was delighted with the outcome of both nights, as the group experienced Thrilling Hunts and secured valuable trophies. Reflecting on the successful 2-Night Hunting Adventure, Hank looked forward to leading more Exciting Hunts in the future at Hog Swat.