Feral Pigs

Graduation Hunt's


Guide Hank led a Memorable Hunt for Hog SWAT, marking a special occasion for a grandfather and grandson duo. The pair, who had been eagerly anticipating this moment, were on their first Hog Hunt together. Guide Hank's expert guidance ensured that this experience would be one to cherish.

After a patient wait, the group finally got on a group of Pigs around 3:30 am, marking a significant breakthrough in the Hunt. With precision and skill, they secured their first Wild Hog, making it a momentous occasion for both Grandpa and grandson. The successful kill was a testament to their determination and teamwork.

Guide Hank's post-hunt summary reflects his enthusiasm and satisfaction with the outcome: "It was a great success as usual!" This sentiment echoes the sense of accomplishment and joy shared by the grandfather and grandson duo.

As they walked away from the hunt with their prize, Grandpa and grandson couldn't help but feel proud of their accomplishment. This experience not only strengthened their bond but also created lifelong memories.

Best Boar Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Best Boar Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Boar Galore @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Massive Boar!! @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, where he and the group embarked on two eventful nights of Hunting at Hog SWAT.

On the first night, they managed to take down 3 Big Bo Big Boars, all shot in the same group. The Successful Hunt resulted in a substantial amount of meat for the group, and everyone celebrated the great success of the evening.

The second night began with the group spotting a Solo Boar on the second field they visited. Despite getting a shot off, the Wild Boar was elusive and slipped away into the tall grass. However, their luck turned around later in the night when they encountered a Massive Boar weighing over 250 lbs. The Hunters successfully took down the Trophy Boar, choosing to preserve its head for a euro mount.

Guide Hank was delighted with the outcome of both nights, as the group experienced Thrilling Hunts and secured valuable trophies. Reflecting on the successful 2-Night Hunting Adventure, Hank looked forward to leading more Exciting Hunts in the future at Hog Swat.


Photo: Hog Hunting In South Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a group that came to Hog SWAT for a 1 Night Guided Hog Hunt, and he shared the exciting experiencet. "2 pigs down tonight. One of them must have been related to Hogzilla because she was huge," he wrote. After initially having no luck in the first couple of fields, the group finally got on a Sounder and successfully took down 2 Sows, resulting in a nice haul of meat. Guide Hank expressed his satisfaction with the great success of the Hunt and the thrill of the experience with the group at Hog SWAT. Come join us, so we can take you on a Wild Hog Hunt of your dreams!

Family Boar Hunting

Photo: Hunting Wild Boars @HogSWAT

It was a long night Searching for Hogs as Guide Capt Max navigated the properties in search of the Elusive Animals. They came across a few on the neighboring properties that were not part of Hog SWAT’s Hunting Grounds, making it impossible to take a shot. Additionally, one of the Hog Hunting vans was down, so they had to make do with a rental 4x4 for the Hunt, adding a touch of uniqueness to the experience. Despite these challenges, they covered a significant amount of ground and eventually came across a Single Boar, marking a successful end to the Hunt.

Hunting Wild Hogs

Photo: Shhhh, He’s Sleeping! @HogSWAT

Photo: Hogs Down @HogSWAT

They struggled to find Pigs the first 4 hours of the Hunt, checking multiple fields. They finally pulled into a field where they spotted 2 Hogs. They started walking towards the Wild Hogs and found a Sounder past a high spot. They were able to maneuver around the other Wild Pigs and get close enough to shoot at the group. The guys killed 3 pigs! On the way off the field there was another pig minding his own business so they dropped the bags of meat they just butchered, and walked right up to the Solo Pig and took it down with the cadence shot. They totaled 4 pigs for the night!

The Pro Hog Hunters

Photo: Coyote Down @HogSWAT

Photo: Taking Down Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Gotcha Foot! @HogSWAT

These guys took down 4 Pigs and a Coyote. These 4 guys can crack jokes all night and still Slay Wild Hogs. They didn’t see any Wild Pigs on the 2nd field we checked, but had the opportunity to shoot a coyote, and they nailed him. Found a Sounder on the second field 4th field they checked. They set up and was able to take down 2 Wild Hogs. After that they dropped in on a nearby field, and snuck right up on a nice sized Solo Boar and ended him with the first shot. After they dragged the Wild Boar off the field they circled back and checked the same field they took down the first 2, and there were more pigs in the same spot! They pulled in once more to shoot a ton of Hogs but were only able to secure one more. I’m sure others died shortly after in the tree line. They have more slaughtering to do tomorrow night!

Best Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Thumbs Up For Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Bed Time @HogSWAT

Photo: Man Holding A Massive 300lb Boar @HogSWAT

Photo: What A Pig Pile @HogSWAT

Photo: Hog Slayers!!! @HogSWAT

These individuals had a stroke of luck! In their first field, they encountered a group of around 10 Young Pigs. With careful Stalking, they managed to take a shot and successfully dropped one Hog. Determined not to repeat their previous experience, they moved on. In the next field, they stumbled upon a Massive Sounder of over 40 Hogs of various sizes. Despite challenging conditions with tricky winds and bright moonlight, they skillfully approached within 70 yards before opening fire. The Pigs took an unexpected path through the field, giving them ample time to shoot, resulting in them bringing down an additional 9 Wild Pigs. It was an Exhilarating Hunting Experience! They ended up with an impressive yield of 2.5 gallons of Back Straps, along with several bags filled with choice hams and shoulders. It was truly a Memorable Hunting Adventure!

No Limit Hog Hunts

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Unlimited Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: No Limit Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Pro Hog Hunters @HogSWAT

Last night, Guide Capt Ben took these group of guys out on a Guided Hog Hunt. Initially, the Pigs outsmarted us and escaped, but they didn't give up. They tried three more times and finally succeeded in taking down four Hogs. The result was nine bags of Hog Meat!

These gentlemen showed their savage side, determined to eliminate the sorghum-stealing Pigs. Despite the wind working against us throughout the night, they managed to accomplish their mission. If you're looking to go Hunting In The Dark don't hesitate to Book a Hunt with us today, at Hog SWAT! Thermal Hunting is just fun.

Thermal Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Tim’s Last Night Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Guided Thermal Hunting @HogSWAT

Tim's final Hog Hunt with Hog SWAT ended on a successful note. The first field they went to had bad wind conditions, so they decided to wait in the warm van and let the Pigs move into a more favorable position. However, their plans were foiled when a dog chased the Wild Pigs away from the field. Frustrated with the situation, they moved on to another field where a Sounder (a group of Hogs) was causing damage to a dairy pasture. With well-placed shots, they were able to take down two Wild Hogs instantly, leading to some good times and a Successful Hunt. Book a Wild Hog Hunt today!

Late Night Hunts

Photo: Hog Hunting Georgia @HogSWAT

Photo: Thermal Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

It was a long night of Hog Hunting last night. Struggling all night to find Pigs with Harry, Miguel, and Ethan all night. They stuck with it and ended up executing 2 Wild Hogs around 6am. By the time I was done butchering and dropping them off it was daylight. We are very happy Guide Luke found them some Hogs! Book a Guided Thermal Hog Hunt with us today at Hog SWAT we stop at nothing to get you some Wild Piggies.

400lbs At Least?

Photo: Hog Eradication @HogSWAT

Photo: Mama Sow @HogSWAT

Congratulations to Jason and Gwen on their first successful Hog Hunt! It sounds like they had an amazing experience and made a memorable first kill. With a Giant Mama Pig weighing over 400lbs(Guide Luke might be exaggerating), it sounded like they had quite a challenge to drag it off the field. We are proud to have been a part of their first Wild Hog kill and we are thrilled to hear that they had a blast. If you're interested in experiencing the thrill of Hog Hunting, Book a Hog Hunt with us today. We guarantee it will be an unforgettable adventure.

No Limit Hunting

Photo: No Limit Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hog Hunts @HogSWAT

These skilled individuals successfully completed their final night of Thermal Hunting during their thrilling 2 Night Hog Hunt. Under the guidance of Luke, an expert guide, they were promptly led to a massive Sounder where they triumphantly took down 2 Pigs. One of the Wild Pigs, valiantly attempting to escape, nearly reached the safety of the woods before Dylan skillfully shot it down. Dylan, we express our deepest gratitude to you. Don't miss out on your chance to experience an unforgettable Thermal Hog Hunt - book now, and let's embark on an Hunting In The Dark!

Hog Down

Photo: Pigs Kill Pigs? @HogSWAT

Last nights Thermal Hog Hunt in Americus, Ga. Only Wild Hog of the night. Solo Boar, guys dropped it in the first cadence shot. Man on the left can’t show his face for work reasons. He learned how to butcher on this Pig. This is Guide Luke’s first Hog Hunt post. We are supper excited to have him on the Hog SWAT team! Book a Hunt today, lets go Hog Hunting!

Boar Hunting

Photo: Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Thermal Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Father and Son vs Father and Son. Humans win. Ken and Tad drove all the way from Wisconsin for one thing: to kill Pigs. Mission accomplished! They stalked for hundreds of yards meandering through trenches and peanut hay on a couple of Boars. When they arrived at a good vantage the Hogs took cover in a ditch. We laid in wait for 20 minutes waiting for a good shot when off to our north a sounder of 20+ Wild Pigs showed itself. Minutes later the bullets were flying and so were chunks of Wild Hogs. What a blast! Book a Thermal Hog Hunt today! Guide Capt Ben is the best!

The Tale Of The 4 Men And 2 Wild Hogs

Photo: Hog Hunting In The Dark @HogSWAT

Have you ever heard the tale of the 4 men and 2 Hogs? Yeah me neither, but here it goes.

Once upon a time, in a small countryside village, there lived four brave men who were known for their exceptional Hunting skills. Their love for adventure and the thrill of the hunt brought them together as the best hunting group in the entire region. One fateful night, they embarked on an extraordinary Hunting Journey.

As the moon hid behind the dark clouds, casting an impenetrable veil over their surroundings, the four men set off into the dense forest. Armed with rifles and carrying only a flickering lantern to guide them, they ventured into the pitch-black darkness, relying on their sharp instincts and years of experience.

Their goal that night was to track down some Elusive Hogs that had been causing havoc among the local farmers' crops. These Wild Hogs were known for their cunning nature and ability to avoid humans, making the task at hand even more challenging. Undeterred by the odds, the four Hunters pressed forward, their hearts filled with determination.

As they cautiously made their way through twigs and fallen leaves, the forest seemed to hold its breath, sensing the presence of these courageous souls. The wind whispered through the trees, sharing secrets of what lay ahead. Suddenly, a faint rustling noise reached their ears, quickening their pulses. They instinctively froze, barely daring to breathe.

In the dim light of their lantern, they noticed two fierce-looking Wild Hogs emerge from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with an untamed ferocity. These Hogs were larger than any they had ever encountered, adorned with sharp tusks that hinted at their formidable strength. The hunters exchanged determined glances, acknowledging the challenge that lay before them.

With synchronized movements, they raised their rifles and aimed at the hogs, their hands steady in the face of danger. In the stillness of that moment, time seemed to stand still. The sound of gunshots pierced the air, breaking the silence and scattering the nocturnal creatures into the night.

The hunters had successfully taken down the hogs with their precise shots, putting an end to the threat that loomed over the local farmers' livelihood. A mix of victory and relief washed over them as they gathered around the fallen beasts, marveling at their conquest. It was a testament to their skills and unwavering determination.

With their mission accomplished, the four men shouldered their prizes and began their journey back to the village. The lantern's dim light flickered throughout the return trip, illuminating their triumphant faces. News of their successful hunt would soon spread, leaving the villagers in awe and admiration for their incredible skills.

And so, the tale of the four brave men and the two wild hogs became a legendary story, passed down through generations. It served as a reminder of the power of teamwork, courage, and the unwavering spirit of those who dared to venture into the darkness, facing whatever challenges lay before them.

Now I’m sure last nights Hog Hunt didn’t go quite like that becasue why use lanterns when you can use Thermal. These guys got the job done for sure. We hope they come back for round 2! Book a Hunt today, and expiernce what it’s like to Hog Hunt With Thermal.

Hog Hunting Georgia

Photo: Hog Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Dave and Tim came to go Wild Hog Hunting in Americus Ga. They were able to each take one Hog down! Last night was there first night Hunting, they chose the 2 Night Wild Hog Hunting Trip. We are hoping they get a Pig Pile tonight! We are excited they chose Hog S.W.A.T. to be there Guided Hog Hunting Outfitter!

Hog Slayers

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo: 3 Little Piggies @HogSWAT

Last nights Hog Hunt was a sucess. Guide Capt Ben put these guys on some Wild Hogs! The West family put the hurt on these Sows. Perfect eaters! They were loaded with nice Fatty Pork. Great shooting from Steve, dropped the big ol girl with a single round! Book your Family Hog Hunt with us today at Hog S.W.A.T.!

Hunting In The Dark.

Photo: Man vs. Wild @HogSWAT

Photo: Pro Hog Hunters @HogSWAT

It was an exceptional evening for our guests on their Hog Hunt! We feel privileged that they chose us at Hog S.W.A.T. for their first-ever Guided Wild Hog Hunting experience. Despite an initial unsuccessful attempt to stalk a single Boar, they brilliantly managed to take down two out of five Hogs. It was a remarkable feat, especially on the first freeze of the season in South Georgia.

Coyote Night Hunts?

Photo: Coyote Down @HogS.W.A.T.

What was a Hog Hunt turned into a Coyote Hunt In South Georgia. Despite the challenging full moon conditions, we managed to get one go-round on a Wild Hog last night. Unfortunately, the Hog made it to the woods and got away. But, thanks to our experienced guide Capt. Max, we were still able to claim a successful kill by calling in a pair of Coyotes and taking one down. We celebrate any measure of success in our Hog Hunts, and always strive to provide a memorable and fulfilling Hunting Experience. Ready for your own Wild Hog Hunting trip? Book with Hog SWAT today!

7 Dead Piggies

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogS.W.A.T.

Another successful night of Thermal Hog Hunting at Hog SWAT! Peanut Protector Guide Clayton was able to put these guys on Sounder of Wild Hogs and they were able to take down 7 Wild Pigs, ensuring that our farmers' fields remain protected from destruction. We all share a passion for Hunting, but at Hog S.W.A.T., we also understand the importance of protecting our farmers' livelihoods. That's why we take our mission seriously and Hunt At Night to prevent further damage. If you're ready to join us on an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure, contact Hog S.W.A.T. today. Our experienced team guarantees a Thrilling Hunt and safe experience for all.