Hunting In The Dark


Experience the Thrill of Nighttime Thermal Hog Hunting with Hog SWAT!

If you’re an Avid Hunter looking for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, look no further than Hog SWAT in South Georgia. Our Guided Thermal Hog Hunting experiences offer a unique twist on traditional Hunting that you won’t want to miss. Once you’ve Hunted Wild Hogs under the cover of darkness with us, you’ll be hooked and never want to go back!

This past weekend, we welcomed an enthusiastic group for a One-Night Hog Hunt that turned out to be nothing short of spectacular. Our clients managed to take down an impressive 16 hogs in a single night! The excitement of Hunting Wild Boars under the stars, equipped with state-of-the-art Thermal Imaging Technology, set the stage for an unforgettable experience.

What makes Thermal Hog Hunting so special? The thrill of spotting your quarry in the stillness of the night, with nothing but the soft glow of the thermal sight illuminating the way, creates an exhilarating environment. You become part of the night’s rhythm, tracking these Elusive Animals as they move through their natural habitat.

This weekend’s Hunt was not only about the number of Hogs we took down; it was also about enjoying the pristine beauty of our surroundings. Unlike Traditional Hunts where deer frequently steal the show, our participants had the unique experience of encountering fewer deer, allowing them to focus solely on the Thrilling Hunt at hand.

Hog Hunting is not just a sport at Hog SWAT; it’s an all-encompassing adventure filled with camaraderie, excitement, and the satisfaction of mastering the art of hunting in the dark. Our expert guides ensure your safety while providing insights into the behavior of Wild Hogs, helping you make the most of your Hunt.

Photo: That’s A Lot Of Bacon @HogSWAT

Why Choose Hog SWAT?

  • Nighttime Adventures: Our Thermal Hunting experience offers an exhilarating twist to traditional approaches, Targeting Wild Hogs when their movement peaks.

  • Expert Guidance: Our seasoned guides bring years of experience to the table, ensuring you get the best possible Hunting experience.

  • Stunning South Georgia Landscape: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Americus, GA, with its rich natural setting that enhances every Hunting Trip.

So why wait? Come down to Americus, GA, and book The Best Hog Hunt money can buy! Join us for an incredible experience that will make you rethink everything you know about Hog Hunting. We promise you’ll be eager for your next adventure with Hog SWAT.


Ready to take the plunge? Schedule your Thermal Hog Hunt today and join the ranks of satisfied Hunters who’ve discovered the nocturnal thrill of Hunting with Hog SWAT!

2 Night Hog Hunt

Photo: 2 Night Hog Hunt @HogSWAT

Night 2 of our 2-night hog hunt: SUCCESS!

We're thrilled to report that our team at Hog SWAT took down not one, but TWO Wild Hogs during our second and final night of Hunting!

Our Thermal Imaging Technology proved to be a valuable asset once again, allowing us to track and pinpoint the Hogs with precision. The thrill of the Hunt was exhilarating, and we're grateful for the opportunity to do what we love.

At Hog SWAT, we're dedicated to providing Top-Notch Hog Hunting experiences that are both fun and effective. Our expert guides and state-of-the-art equipment ensure that our clients have a successful and Memorable Hunt.

If you're ready to join us for an Unforgettable Hog Hunting Adventure, contact us today to learn more about our services and packages.

Thanks for following along on our adventures, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates from the field!

Hunting Hogs

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Hog SWAT's Nighttime Hunt: A Test of Persistence

Guide Hank led a Thrilling 1 Night Hog Hunt for Hog SWAT, but it wasn't without its challenges. Despite the obstacles, Guide Hank's expertise and determination ultimately paid off.

The Hunt began with a promising Sighting of Pigs in a field just off the main road, but just as they were getting into position, a side-by-side came barreling down the road, making a ruckus and sending the Wild Pigs Scattering. Undeterred, Guide Hank regrouped his team and pressed on.

Later in the night, a thick fog rolled in, making it difficult to spot any more Hogs. But Guide Hank's experience and knowledge of the terrain eventually led him to a new group of Wild Hogs. However, they were stuck behind a pivot, limiting their shooting options to just one shot.

With precision and skill, the Hunters took aim and fired true, bringing down one impressive hog. Despite the setbacks and challenges, Guide Hank's persistence and expertise ultimately secured a Successful Hunt. As he reflected on the night's events, Guide Hank concluded: "It was a great success!"

Late Night Hog Hunts

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Late Night Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Last night, Guide Capt Ben led a 1 Night Hog Hunt for the Hog SWAT team that was filled with unexpected twists and turns. As they set out into the rugged terrain, the team found themselves driving around in circles, trying to track down the elusive wild hogs. The frustration was mounting as they seemed to be going in circles and coming up empty-handed.

But just when it seemed like luck was not on their side, the Pig Gods must have taken pity on them. Suddenly, a Group of Pigs popped out from the bushes, catching the team by surprise. With adrenaline pumping, they quickly got into position and took their shots. Despite the initial struggles, the team managed to drop 4 out of the 10 Hogs they shot at, a decent success rate for the night.

Guide Capt Ben's expertise and determination had paid off once again, leading the team to a Successful Hunt despite the initial setbacks. It was a night filled with excitement, challenges, and ultimately, triumph. The Hog SWAT team had proven once again that with perseverance and a bit of luck, they could overcome any obstacle in their path.

Best Boar Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Best Boar Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Boar Galore @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Massive Boar!! @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, where he and the group embarked on two eventful nights of Hunting at Hog SWAT.

On the first night, they managed to take down 3 Big Bo Big Boars, all shot in the same group. The Successful Hunt resulted in a substantial amount of meat for the group, and everyone celebrated the great success of the evening.

The second night began with the group spotting a Solo Boar on the second field they visited. Despite getting a shot off, the Wild Boar was elusive and slipped away into the tall grass. However, their luck turned around later in the night when they encountered a Massive Boar weighing over 250 lbs. The Hunters successfully took down the Trophy Boar, choosing to preserve its head for a euro mount.

Guide Hank was delighted with the outcome of both nights, as the group experienced Thrilling Hunts and secured valuable trophies. Reflecting on the successful 2-Night Hunting Adventure, Hank looked forward to leading more Exciting Hunts in the future at Hog Swat.

1 Night Hog Hunt

Last night's 1 Night Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt. Ben turned out to be a thrilling success! Venturing under the cover of darkness, our skilled Guide and his group encountered a pack of hefty boars. With precision and teamwork, they managed to harvest three big boars from the same group. The bounty was generous, providing a substantial amount of meat and marking the night as a triumphant outing. The excitement was palpable as each member of the party contributed to the successful hunt. It's experiences like these that make hunting with Guide Capt. Ben unforgettable.

Hunting Wild Hogs Can Be A Challenge

Photo: Hog SWAT @HogSWAT

Guide Hank took some customers on a 2 Night Hog Hunt that he led for HogSWAT, highlighting the challenges and successes of the experience in the field.

Night 1 brought an unexpected encounter with a group of Small Piglets in the middle of the field, illuminated by the moon. Despite the opportunity for a shot at a Larger Hog, the nervous behavior of an Older Hog prevented them from taking the shot from a distance of 350 yards. Determined to make it count, Guide Hank planned to try again on the following night.

Night 2 proved to be more successful as they managed to take shots at Pigs twice during the Hunt. Although no pictures were taken, the feedback from the Hunters was positive, expressing their enjoyment and interest in returning for future Hunts. Guide Hank's determination and perseverance paid off, leading to a rewarding Hunting Experience for all involved.

Family Wild Hog Hunting

Photo: Family Hunting @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben led a family on a 1 Night Hog Hunt. The night started with slow Stalking to get a Coyote. As they reached the pivot, the guide began using cotton tail distress calls to lure the coyote into the field. However, after about 3 minutes, a Wild Hog emerged instead. The group got within 90 yards and took their shots, tagging the Hog, but it managed to make it to the trees just 10 feet away and escape the field.

Moving to a different area, they immediately spotted two Wild Boars. After a Long Stalk of about 700 yards, grappling with some inconvenient wind, they set up and successfully took down a nice Boar, claiming his head as a trophy. It was a successful Night of Hunting for the group led by Guide Capt Ben.

Thermal Hog Hunting

Photo: Thermal Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a group of eager Hunters on a 1 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT. With a father and his two sons in tow, the Hunt promised to be an exciting adventure in the wilderness.

As the night unfolded, Guide Hank found himself doing a lot of walking, scouting the field for any signs of Wild Hogs. To his delight, the Pigs walked out in front of him, presenting the perfect opportunity for a successful Hog Hunt. Guide Luke had to think on his feet and sneak around the Swine to make his way back to the Hunting Van, where he prepared the Hunters for their mission.

With the Hunters ready and armed, Luke led them back out into the field and successfully took down a Pig. The group decided to call it a night after that, opting to rest up for their drive home in the morning. It was a night of great success for Guide Luke and his team, as they bonded over their shared love for hunting and the thrill of the chase.

2 Night Hog Hunting

Guide Hank led a group of Hunters on a 2 Night Hog Hunt in South Georgia at Hog SWAT.

Night 1 started off with a touch of rain, but it didn't deter the group. As they pulled into the first field, it took a moment to spot the Wild Pigs due to the large size of the area. The rain added an element of challenge as they worked towards the Wild Hogs, using a smaller tree and brush for cover. Waiting patiently along the brush, they couldn't risk coming around the corner and Winding the Pigs. When the Hogs started moving towards them, they quickly got set up and took their shots from across the brush, successfully landing 5 Pigs. Despite searching for more, no other Hogs were found that night. A great success overall.

Night 2 brought more excitement as they geared up to walk over to a Pig, but the Wild Pig decided to come to them instead. Acting quickly, they set up on the fly and had all five hunters ready to shoot. The Swine dropped after a few shots. Later on, in another field, they spotted 2 Coyotes with nothing else in sight, so they decided to take a shot at one of them as well. It was a fun night for everyone involved, with great success once again.

Photo Night 1: These Guys Have Them Stacked! @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Wild Hog Down @HogSWAT

Photo: Hunting Coyotes @HogSWAT

Hunting In The Dark

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

On the first night of Hog Hunting in March for Hog SWAT led by Guide Capt Ben, a group of guys embarked on a Wild Hog Hunt in South Georgia. Despite a slow start to the evening, the team remained optimistic throughout the Hunt.

Setting up on six Hogs, they were only able to hit two Wild Hogs. However, Guide Capt Ben and the group persevered, checking various fields until they were exhausted. What started as a dull evening turned out to be a memorable experience for the Hunters, who demonstrated determination and teamwork in the face of unexpected challenges. Here's to more exciting and Successful Hunts with Guide Capt Ben at the helm of Hog SWAT.

Harvesting Wild Hogs

Photo: Boar Hunting @PigProblem

Guide Capt Ben led the Hunt with varying levels of success, initially encountering Hogs darting across the fields. In the third field, a Lone Hog cautiously peeked out of the trees, catching their attention. After observing the Pig for approximately 10 minutes, the decision was made to move on to a more promising location.

As they departed, they were surprised to find that the initial Wild Hog had brought a companion along for the journey. With their gear at the ready and navigating unpredictable winds, they positioned themselves strategically behind the cover of tall winter wheat, utilizing the partial moonlight to their advantage. Taking careful aim from approximately 100 yards away, they managed to swiftly take down both Boars with precision shots, resulting in a successful and exciting conclusion to the Hunt. It was a memorable moment as both Hogs were harvested and the team celebrated their accomplishment in the field.

Wild Hog Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Big Boars @HogSWAT

Photo: Hunting Hogs In Georgia

It was a crazy and successful night with Jim and Roger. It started off with some unforeseeable minor issues when they were picked up, which led to them using a nearby field as a range to save time. After finishing the range sequence, a Sounder of Pigs was spotted just 6-700 yards out. They immediately started Hunting and only managed to kill one Pig due to a pivot behind it preventing further shots.

In the third field they checked, they found 5 Wild Hogs, but gunshots from a neighboring field scared them off. The Hogs had moved to another field behind the one they were on. Upon driving over to the other field, they found the Wild Pigs hiding in a low spot and managed to kill 2 Big Boars and injured a third that escaped into the woods.

The sixth and final field they pulled into was teeming with deer, over 100 of them. Upon closer inspection, they noticed 2 Wild Pigs mixed in with the deer. As they approached the Pigs, a deer started blowing at them, alerting the Pigs and causing them to move further away. After following the Hogs for about 100 yards, Jim and Roger took their shots and successfully killed both Wild Hogs, the two biggest of the night weighing over 200lbs each.

After taking some pictures, they encountered another minor issue but that didn't deter them. They eventually made it back home with a total of 5 pigs, despite the setbacks at the beginning and end of the hunt. We hope it was night of Hog Hunting that Jim and Roger will never forget.

Here Piggy Piggy Piggy

Photo: “you’re going down” @HogSWAT

Photo: Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hog Huniting @HogSWAT

The first stalk of the night started off with some exercise for them. From getting out of the van to loading up the meat, they walked just under 3000 yards or 1.6 miles. It was worth it in the end because it made the Hunt so much more rewarding. Pigs were spotted and winded them, so they followed them over the hill to see if anything was on the tree line to no avail. With a busted Stalk, they made their way back to the Hunting Van only to see 6 Hogs on the opposite side of the field across a trench full of water. They walked even more and successfully Bagged 2 Wild Hogs. They searched a couple more fields and found nothing, then finally spotted 2 Wild Pigs walking around on another field and added 1 more to the total, making it 3 for the first night.

Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Hogs Down! @HogSWAT

On the second night of their Hog Hunt, they started off hot and found 6 Pigs in their second choice field. After a short Stalk down the access road, they set up and dropped 4. After Butchering the Hogs, they drove around looking for more but unfortunately, some things that start with a bang end with a whimper.

Freaking Hog Snipers!

Photo: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo: Say Peanuts @HogSWAT

Photo: Don’t Sleep On This Group! @HogSWAT

Photo: Stacked Like Money @HogSWAT

The first field held a couple of nice-sized Boars. The Stalk was muddy and wet, but fortunately, the rain had given way. They closed to about 60 yards when we set up and fired a volley. Nailed ‘em! That was the easy part. Afterward, they dragged our pigs about 400 yards through the mud until they could finally hitch them to the Hog Van and get them to the Hog dump. Then proceeded onto a few more fields and didn’t find much luck. Eventually, at a large peanut field, they found 6 Smaller Pigs; however, the wind switched up on them and they got spooked. They headed down the road a bit and immediately saw about 20 Wild Pigs in a Large Sounder. As they got close, it became apparent that there were more like 50+ Hogs in a Mega Sounder! These Pigs had no idea what was coming, and we fed them lead. After the dust settled, our Hunters got exactly what they wanted: 8 Suckling Pigs for a total of 10 downed throughout the night!

Hunting Wild Hogs

Photo: Shhhh, He’s Sleeping! @HogSWAT

Photo: Hogs Down @HogSWAT

They struggled to find Pigs the first 4 hours of the Hunt, checking multiple fields. They finally pulled into a field where they spotted 2 Hogs. They started walking towards the Wild Hogs and found a Sounder past a high spot. They were able to maneuver around the other Wild Pigs and get close enough to shoot at the group. The guys killed 3 pigs! On the way off the field there was another pig minding his own business so they dropped the bags of meat they just butchered, and walked right up to the Solo Pig and took it down with the cadence shot. They totaled 4 pigs for the night!

Squeal Team 6

Photo: Alright Guys.. 3.. 2.. BANGGG!! @HogSWAT

Photo: Piggie Down @HogSWAT

A storm was brewing. The Pigs were hiding from them all night until they caught a group of 6 Sows frantically feeding. The Hogs ran several hundred yards before stopping to get a quick bite. They maneuvered the Hog Hunting Van to where they had the best wind, they hailed Mary, and began to jog. They set up only to have the Wild Hogs run again! So they broke the gear down, pursued them to the tree line, and took their shots from about 140 yards away. This group nailed every pig but only one dropped in the field. Squeal Team 6 out! 

The Pro Hunters Are Taking Down Vile Rabbits

Photo: Taking Down All The Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Wabbitsssssssss @HogSWAT

The Pro Hunters are back at it agian! On thier 2nd night of the Hog Hunt ended in glory with 4 more Pigs and 2 Rabbits tonight making it a total of 8 for both Nights of Hog Hunting. They shot 3 Wild Hogs on the first go round and 1 more on the second. On the way off the field they saw some rabbits that were destroying the crops so we decided to take them too. Who knew this would turn into a Rabbit Hunt. Anything is possible at Hog SWAT, so Book A Hunt. “Shhhhhh, be very very quiet, I’m Hunting Wabbits…” -Looney Tones

Georgia Hog Hunting

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Georgia Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Hog Down @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben and these guys found themselves in their first Farmers Field, where two Enormous Sows were leisurely meandering through the Winter Wheat. With caution and precision, they stealthily approached, nearly unsettling the Pigs. Upon positioning themselves, they seized the moment and fired their shots. Startled, the Sows sprinted downhill, but upon reaching the crest, to their astonishment, the Hogs remained, merely a hundred feet distant from the tree line.

Their next field presented a sight to behold—a formidable Sounder sprawling across great distances. Determined, they embarked on a stalk that spanned an impressive nine hundred yards, their sights set on the larger of the Wild Hogs. Their aimed true, and three Massive Boars fell under their well-placed shots. However, two sly Boars managed to evade their grasp, disappearing into a vast trench. Capt Ben reminisced, reflecting on the adventure with a smile. Truly, it had been a time of delight and excitement.