Boar Hunting


Experience the Thrill of Nighttime Thermal Hog Hunting with Hog SWAT!

If you’re an Avid Hunter looking for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, look no further than Hog SWAT in South Georgia. Our Guided Thermal Hog Hunting experiences offer a unique twist on traditional Hunting that you won’t want to miss. Once you’ve Hunted Wild Hogs under the cover of darkness with us, you’ll be hooked and never want to go back!

This past weekend, we welcomed an enthusiastic group for a One-Night Hog Hunt that turned out to be nothing short of spectacular. Our clients managed to take down an impressive 16 hogs in a single night! The excitement of Hunting Wild Boars under the stars, equipped with state-of-the-art Thermal Imaging Technology, set the stage for an unforgettable experience.

What makes Thermal Hog Hunting so special? The thrill of spotting your quarry in the stillness of the night, with nothing but the soft glow of the thermal sight illuminating the way, creates an exhilarating environment. You become part of the night’s rhythm, tracking these Elusive Animals as they move through their natural habitat.

This weekend’s Hunt was not only about the number of Hogs we took down; it was also about enjoying the pristine beauty of our surroundings. Unlike Traditional Hunts where deer frequently steal the show, our participants had the unique experience of encountering fewer deer, allowing them to focus solely on the Thrilling Hunt at hand.

Hog Hunting is not just a sport at Hog SWAT; it’s an all-encompassing adventure filled with camaraderie, excitement, and the satisfaction of mastering the art of hunting in the dark. Our expert guides ensure your safety while providing insights into the behavior of Wild Hogs, helping you make the most of your Hunt.

Photo: That’s A Lot Of Bacon @HogSWAT

Why Choose Hog SWAT?

  • Nighttime Adventures: Our Thermal Hunting experience offers an exhilarating twist to traditional approaches, Targeting Wild Hogs when their movement peaks.

  • Expert Guidance: Our seasoned guides bring years of experience to the table, ensuring you get the best possible Hunting experience.

  • Stunning South Georgia Landscape: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Americus, GA, with its rich natural setting that enhances every Hunting Trip.

So why wait? Come down to Americus, GA, and book The Best Hog Hunt money can buy! Join us for an incredible experience that will make you rethink everything you know about Hog Hunting. We promise you’ll be eager for your next adventure with Hog SWAT.


Ready to take the plunge? Schedule your Thermal Hog Hunt today and join the ranks of satisfied Hunters who’ve discovered the nocturnal thrill of Hunting with Hog SWAT!

2 Night Hog Hunt

Photo: 2 Night Hog Hunt @HogSWAT

Night 2 of our 2-night hog hunt: SUCCESS!

We're thrilled to report that our team at Hog SWAT took down not one, but TWO Wild Hogs during our second and final night of Hunting!

Our Thermal Imaging Technology proved to be a valuable asset once again, allowing us to track and pinpoint the Hogs with precision. The thrill of the Hunt was exhilarating, and we're grateful for the opportunity to do what we love.

At Hog SWAT, we're dedicated to providing Top-Notch Hog Hunting experiences that are both fun and effective. Our expert guides and state-of-the-art equipment ensure that our clients have a successful and Memorable Hunt.

If you're ready to join us for an Unforgettable Hog Hunting Adventure, contact us today to learn more about our services and packages.

Thanks for following along on our adventures, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates from the field!

Georgia Hog Hunting

Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Hog Hunting Season is in full swing, and we're thrilled to share some exciting news from our recent 2 Night Hog Hunt!

We had the pleasure of hosting some awesome customers that came to South Georgia to join us for an Unforgettable Hunting Experience. And, let me tell you, they did NOT leave disappointed!

They took down not one, but TWO Boars during their 2-night adventure with us! Talk about a Hog-Hunting Bonanza!

If you're looking for the best hog hunting in the county, look no further! Our expert guides and Top-Notch Hunting grounds ensure an exhilarating experience that you'll never forget.

Don't miss out on the action! Book your own 1 Night Hog Hunt with us today and get ready to take home some serious trophies!

Contact us to reserve your spot and let's get ready to send those Hogs running!

Graduation Hunt's


Guide Hank led a Memorable Hunt for Hog SWAT, marking a special occasion for a grandfather and grandson duo. The pair, who had been eagerly anticipating this moment, were on their first Hog Hunt together. Guide Hank's expert guidance ensured that this experience would be one to cherish.

After a patient wait, the group finally got on a group of Pigs around 3:30 am, marking a significant breakthrough in the Hunt. With precision and skill, they secured their first Wild Hog, making it a momentous occasion for both Grandpa and grandson. The successful kill was a testament to their determination and teamwork.

Guide Hank's post-hunt summary reflects his enthusiasm and satisfaction with the outcome: "It was a great success as usual!" This sentiment echoes the sense of accomplishment and joy shared by the grandfather and grandson duo.

As they walked away from the hunt with their prize, Grandpa and grandson couldn't help but feel proud of their accomplishment. This experience not only strengthened their bond but also created lifelong memories.

1 Night Boar Hunts

Guide Hank recently led a Wild Hog Hunt for Hog SWAT, where the group encountered some challenges but ultimately achieved success. Hank recalls spotting Pigs on the second field, only for them to quickly disappear into tall brush, making it difficult to track their movements. Undeterred, the group pressed on and ventured further into the field, but unfortunately, they did not come across any more Wild Pigs.

As the group was preparing to leave the field, the Hogs unexpectedly reappeared, giving them another chance to make a move. Hank and the Hunters swiftly approached the Wild Hog, taking their shot and successfully bringing down a good Boar. The group was thrilled with their kill, especially as they were able to take home a prized skull from the Hunt.

Although they only managed to get one Pig that night, the Hog Hunt was still considered a great success by Guide Hank and the rest of the group. The thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of a successful kill made the Boar Hunt an unforgettable experience for all involved. It was a night of perseverance and reward, showcasing the skills and determination of the Hog Hunters led by Guide Hank.

Best Boar Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Best Boar Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Boar Galore @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Massive Boar!! @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, where he and the group embarked on two eventful nights of Hunting at Hog SWAT.

On the first night, they managed to take down 3 Big Bo Big Boars, all shot in the same group. The Successful Hunt resulted in a substantial amount of meat for the group, and everyone celebrated the great success of the evening.

The second night began with the group spotting a Solo Boar on the second field they visited. Despite getting a shot off, the Wild Boar was elusive and slipped away into the tall grass. However, their luck turned around later in the night when they encountered a Massive Boar weighing over 250 lbs. The Hunters successfully took down the Trophy Boar, choosing to preserve its head for a euro mount.

Guide Hank was delighted with the outcome of both nights, as the group experienced Thrilling Hunts and secured valuable trophies. Reflecting on the successful 2-Night Hunting Adventure, Hank looked forward to leading more Exciting Hunts in the future at Hog Swat.

1 Night Hog Hunt

Last night's 1 Night Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt. Ben turned out to be a thrilling success! Venturing under the cover of darkness, our skilled Guide and his group encountered a pack of hefty boars. With precision and teamwork, they managed to harvest three big boars from the same group. The bounty was generous, providing a substantial amount of meat and marking the night as a triumphant outing. The excitement was palpable as each member of the party contributed to the successful hunt. It's experiences like these that make hunting with Guide Capt. Ben unforgettable.


Photo: Hog Hunting In South Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a group that came to Hog SWAT for a 1 Night Guided Hog Hunt, and he shared the exciting experiencet. "2 pigs down tonight. One of them must have been related to Hogzilla because she was huge," he wrote. After initially having no luck in the first couple of fields, the group finally got on a Sounder and successfully took down 2 Sows, resulting in a nice haul of meat. Guide Hank expressed his satisfaction with the great success of the Hunt and the thrill of the experience with the group at Hog SWAT. Come join us, so we can take you on a Wild Hog Hunt of your dreams!

Boar Hunts In Georgia

Photo: Hog Hunting In Ga @HogSWAT

Photo: Taking Down Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Boar Down @HogSWAT

Photo: Best Boar Hunting In Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt with Hog SWAT. On the first night, the team celebrated a successful Hog Hunt, taking down three Pigs with three Hunters. They encountered a challenging first field, thick with overgrown weeds where Wild Pigs concealed themselves. Nevertheless, the skilled group claimed their first kill in the subsequent field. Amidst their stealthy approach to a Small Group of Hogs, a dense fog provided the perfect cover, allowing them to take two Wild Hogs from under a hundred yards, the animals none the wiser.

The second night proved equally fruitful, with two Huge Boars falling to the Hunters' Marksmanship. The first Boar, boasting Tropy Tusks, was felled by a single bullet from each Hunter, dropping instantly. The second Wild Boar was out in a windy field, its senses dulled, enabling the Hunters to get within striking distance. They illuminated and dispatched the Boar with precision, marking another Successful Hunt.

300lb Wild Boar!

Photo Night 1: Coyote Down @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: It’s Nap Time @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: 300lb Wild Boar @HogSWAT

In a recent Hunting Excursion led by Guide Capt Ben, a 2 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT was successfully completed. On the first night, a Coyote was located in the first field and promptly eliminated. After much movement, a Group of 5 Pigs was discovered at 5 am, resulting in 3 being taken down.

During the second night of the Hunt, the group encountered their first Pig in the Swamps. Despite nearly spooking the animal, they managed to successfully bring it down from a distance of about 160 yards. The next Wild Hog was found in a dairy field, where it had been aggressively defending its territory against Deer. Through careful Stalking, the group was able to take down the 300lb+ Boar with a well-placed shot. The Successful Hunt concluded with the group celebrating and taking the Boar's head as a trophy. Overall, it was an exciting and rewarding experience for all involved.

What A Fun Hunt!

Night 1: Hunting Piggies @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Pro Hunters @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Guide Capt Ben Knows What He Is Doing!! @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Hunting Armodillos @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Wild Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben led a thrilling and eventful 2-Night Hog Hunt, showcasing his expertise and skill in the field.

Night 1 started off slow but ended with a bang as they located 3 Wild Hogs in a low spot rooting the field. After a successful Wild Hog Stalk, they were able to get within 70 yards and set up for the Hunt. Focusing on the Largest Hog, a laden Sow, they made a precise shot and collected some back straps before moving deeper into the field. Encountering another Hog Eating Peanuts, a well-executed stalk led to the successful takedown of 2 Hogs, showcasing the great shooting skills of the Hunters.

Night 2 began with a slow tempo, but after scanning multiple fields, they spotted and Harvested an Armadillo before moving on to a larger field where they saw 5 Pigs. Despite the Wild Pigs initially moving into the woods, a Lone Boar emerged, requiring a precise shot at 198 yards under moonlit conditions. The Successful Hunt continued as they encountered a Massive Boar on a dairy field, being targeted by other wildlife. From a remarkable distance of 375 yards, they sent a clear message to the Pig about the consequences of stealing seed. The night ended on a high note, with great shooting and Unforgettable Hunting Experiences.

Guide Capt Ben eagerly awaits the return of these Skilled Hunters, reflecting on the great times and Successful Hunts they shared together.

1 Night Hog Hunting Trip

Photo: Hog Down @HogSWAT

Photo: Little Piglet @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 1-Night Thermal Hog Hunt with fantastic results. As the night progressed, around 3:30 am, they spotted their first Pig of the night. The Hog was found roaming near the field entrance, providing the perfect opportunity for the Hunters to make their move. With precision and skill, they approached the Wild Hog and fired off two shots, successfully taking down the Wild Pig. It was a great success for the team led by Guide Hank, highlighting their expertise in the art of Hog Hunting.

Family Boar Hunting

Photo: Hunting Wild Boars @HogSWAT

It was a long night Searching for Hogs as Guide Capt Max navigated the properties in search of the Elusive Animals. They came across a few on the neighboring properties that were not part of Hog SWAT’s Hunting Grounds, making it impossible to take a shot. Additionally, one of the Hog Hunting vans was down, so they had to make do with a rental 4x4 for the Hunt, adding a touch of uniqueness to the experience. Despite these challenges, they covered a significant amount of ground and eventually came across a Single Boar, marking a successful end to the Hunt.

Wild Boar Hunting

Photo Night 1: Dropping Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Thermal Hog Hunting @Hog SWAT

Photo: Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben provided a detailed account of a 2-Night Hog Hunt he led for Hog SWAT.

Night 1 was a bit challenging as it took some time to locate the Hogs, but they eventually found a Sounder in a field of Winter Wheat. Despite having to shoot from a distance of almost 200 yards, they managed to take down the Largest Hog in the group, which turned out to be a Sow. They collected some quality fatty meat from the Wild Hog and enjoyed the experience.

On Night 2, the Hunt kicked off with excitement as they quickly found Hogs in the first field. Despite unfavorable wind conditions, they were able to navigate within about 100 yards of the Wild Pigs. With skill and finesse, they shot and successfully brought down a battle scarred Sow. Moving on to another field, they encountered a pair of Wild Boars causing havoc in fresh cut winter wheat. Quietly maneuvering along the tree line, they positioned themselves close to the Boars as they emerged from the trees into the field. With the wind in their favor, they took their shots and managed to drop a nice Wild Boar. The stalks were thrilling, the shots were precise, and overall, it was a night filled with great experiences and Successful Hunts.

2 Night Hog Hunting Trip

Night 1: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Night Hunting With Thermal @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: This Group Knows What They Are Doing @HogSWAT

Guide Hank documented the Hunting experience on a 2 Night Hog Hunting Trip. On the first night, he spotted a Single Pig in the first field they checked, but it walked off disinterested. After checking other fields and circling back to the initial one, Guide Hank decided to make a 1000-Yard Stalk to the back of the field where he saw the same Hog Reappear. Determined to take it down, he and the group successfully closed the distance and comfortably shot the Wild Boar from around 90 yards, dropping it with the first shot. Despite only seeing one Hog that night, the team remained optimistic for the next night's Hunt.

On the second night, Guide Hank and Guide Capt. Ben split up for the Hog Hunt. They were able to coordinate a Group Stalk with all seven shooters, positioning themselves carefully as they approached the Wild Pigs hidden behind brush. With patience, they waited for more Pigs to reveal themselves before firing at the group and taking down five of them. Although those were the only Hogs Harvested that night, Guide Hank deemed the Thermal Hunt a great success.

Hunting Wild Hogs

Photo Night 2: Nap Time @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben led the group on a 2-Night Hog Hunt. On the first night, they encountered a Sounder in a trench surrounded by Winter Wheat. Despite attempting a stalk, they were unable to get a clear shot. They moved on to a neighboring peanut field where they found two Big Boars. After crossing the field, they successfully took down one of the Wild Boars while the other escaped into the trees.

On the second night, they explored new fields near the Alabama Border and located another Sounder off the 82. Waiting for the Pigs to move out of their wind, they eventually set up and took down 4 Hogs. However, one Wild Pig had been playing possum and was attacked by Coyotes as they approached. They butchered the Sow and moved on to another field where they encountered more Wild Hogs near a Farmer's house. Unable to take a shot, they searched a few more fields before calling it a night. (first night’s photos not shown)

South Georgia Hog Hunting

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hog Down @HogSWAT

Guide Hank took the group on a Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT. The adventure began with hours spent traversing a large field, with only one Pig spotted which quickly evaded them during the stalk. Disappointed but undeterred, they moved towards another field closer to Americus, Ga, where a Group of Pigs was spotted spread out. With a steady approach, the Hunters were able to take down 2 Pigs from a distance of 80 yards, achieving great success in the Hunt. A thrilling experience in the heart of Georgia's Wilderness.

Wild Boar Tusks

Photo: Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Boar Tusks @HogSWAT

Guide Hank didn't see a single Pig until 4am. Due to the full moon, when he spotted a Lone Boar sitting in a field, he didn't want to chance it running away upon noticing them. Crouching down and Army Crawling within 60 yards of the Hog, the Hunters were able to drop it with 2 bullets. The Boar had some very nice Boar Tusks, making it another Successful Hunt for Guide Hank.

We Saved You From Labor... You're Welcome.

Photo Night 1: Let Me See Your Dance Moves @HogSWAT

Photo Night !: Smile For The Camera @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: This Is The Definition Of Hog Control @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: They Saved You From Labor… You’re Welcome… @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, with the first night proving to be a bit challenging. Despite walking all over the field, only one Pig was spotted for the majority of the night. Unfortunately, the Wild Pig managed to evade capture by moving into the trees twice. However, as they were leaving the field, another Hog appeared on Thermal Imaging. Guide Hank led the group along a ditch to avoid detection in the moonlight, but the Wild Hog disappeared when they reached the corner. Undeterred, they followed the Hog through a dense area and managed to get within 100 yards of it before taking the shot. The Pig performed a little dance before succumbing, marking the successful takedown of one Pig for the night.

The second night presented its own challenges as the group had to contend with the brightness of the moon. On the first field they Stalked, a Pig spotted them and ran to a neighboring field. Another Wild Pig was observed walking onto a field and then retreating back into the trees after a few minutes. Returning to the first field, the group spotted a Sounder at the back of the field. They quietly approached along the trees and managed to get within 30 to 40 yards of the pigs as they emerged from the trees. A shot was taken, resulting in the successful harvest of a Big Pregnant Sow.

Despite only getting one pig on the second night, the group had a fun and challenging experience over the past two nights. Hunting Wild Hogs is never easy. Thankfully we have Guide Hank to find them no matter the cost.

2 Night Hog Hunt

Photo Night 1: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Girl Is Down @HogSWAT

Night 1:

Guide Hank of Hog SWAT had an eventful night with the Hunting Party. In the first field, they successfully Stalked a Pig positioned in a high spot. After the shot was fired, the Pig managed to just make it past a hill, disappearing from view. Uncertain of the outcome, the group ventured over the hill to discover the Dead Hog lying in the field. Impressed by its nice tusks, the Hunters decided to claim it as a trophy.

Moving on to a different field, Guide Hank and the group Tracked Two Wild Hogs. Despite their efforts, the Wild Pigs proved to be restless and elusive, never presenting a clear shot opportunity. The Elusive Pigs managed to evade capture that time, merely postponing their inevitable fate.

Overall, it was a fun night of Hunting for Guide Hank and the party. Looking ahead, they anticipated that the following night would be just as exciting and fruitful.

Night 2:

On the second night of the Hunting excursion with Guide Hank and the Hunting Group, they encountered the challenges and excitement of Hunting on a vast property. With its sheer size, the property offered a multitude of hiding spots for the Elusive Hogs, making the Hunt a Thrilling Adventure in itself.

Around midnight, the group spotted a Pig and swiftly took action, firing off shots as they initiated the countdown. Despite their efforts, the Hog managed to elude them, slipping away into the darkness. Nonetheless, their spirits remained high as they continued their Hunt.

Later in the night, the team stumbled upon a staggering scene of nearly 30 Pigs congregating together. As they cautiously approached, the moonlight revealed their presence, causing the Wild Pigs to scatter from the field one by one. Only 4 Pigs Remained, undisturbed by their approach.

In a strategic move, the Hunters positioned themselves for a successful takedown as one of the Pigs began to advance towards them. With precision and skill, each Hunter took a shot, resulting in the immediate drop of the targeted pig. The night culminated in this victorious moment, marking a successful conclusion to the Hunting Expedition for Guide Hank and the group.