Blonde Boar

Best Boar Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Best Boar Hunts @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Boar Galore @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Massive Boar!! @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt, where he and the group embarked on two eventful nights of Hunting at Hog SWAT.

On the first night, they managed to take down 3 Big Bo Big Boars, all shot in the same group. The Successful Hunt resulted in a substantial amount of meat for the group, and everyone celebrated the great success of the evening.

The second night began with the group spotting a Solo Boar on the second field they visited. Despite getting a shot off, the Wild Boar was elusive and slipped away into the tall grass. However, their luck turned around later in the night when they encountered a Massive Boar weighing over 250 lbs. The Hunters successfully took down the Trophy Boar, choosing to preserve its head for a euro mount.

Guide Hank was delighted with the outcome of both nights, as the group experienced Thrilling Hunts and secured valuable trophies. Reflecting on the successful 2-Night Hunting Adventure, Hank looked forward to leading more Exciting Hunts in the future at Hog Swat.

Boar Hunts In Georgia

Photo: Hog Hunting In Ga @HogSWAT

Photo: Taking Down Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Boar Down @HogSWAT

Photo: Best Boar Hunting In Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt with Hog SWAT. On the first night, the team celebrated a successful Hog Hunt, taking down three Pigs with three Hunters. They encountered a challenging first field, thick with overgrown weeds where Wild Pigs concealed themselves. Nevertheless, the skilled group claimed their first kill in the subsequent field. Amidst their stealthy approach to a Small Group of Hogs, a dense fog provided the perfect cover, allowing them to take two Wild Hogs from under a hundred yards, the animals none the wiser.

The second night proved equally fruitful, with two Huge Boars falling to the Hunters' Marksmanship. The first Boar, boasting Tropy Tusks, was felled by a single bullet from each Hunter, dropping instantly. The second Wild Boar was out in a windy field, its senses dulled, enabling the Hunters to get within striking distance. They illuminated and dispatched the Boar with precision, marking another Successful Hunt.

300lb Wild Boar!

Photo Night 1: Coyote Down @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: It’s Nap Time @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: 300lb Wild Boar @HogSWAT

In a recent Hunting Excursion led by Guide Capt Ben, a 2 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT was successfully completed. On the first night, a Coyote was located in the first field and promptly eliminated. After much movement, a Group of 5 Pigs was discovered at 5 am, resulting in 3 being taken down.

During the second night of the Hunt, the group encountered their first Pig in the Swamps. Despite nearly spooking the animal, they managed to successfully bring it down from a distance of about 160 yards. The next Wild Hog was found in a dairy field, where it had been aggressively defending its territory against Deer. Through careful Stalking, the group was able to take down the 300lb+ Boar with a well-placed shot. The Successful Hunt concluded with the group celebrating and taking the Boar's head as a trophy. Overall, it was an exciting and rewarding experience for all involved.

Blonde Boar

Photo: Shh She’s Sleeping @HogSWAT

Photo: Big Blonde Boar @HogSWAT

They found their first Pig in a Cotton Field. It was a tough Stalk due to the low light conditions and the noisy crop. They ended up getting a very spirited Boar who decided to charge at them instead of run away with the others. Afterwards, they covered a ton of ground looking for some more Hogs until they finally found a nice Big Blonde Boar. The Wild Hog was situated at the very top of a high crest which made things difficult, however they got it done!