Travel In Georgia


Experience the Thrill of Nighttime Thermal Hog Hunting with Hog SWAT!

If you’re an Avid Hunter looking for an adrenaline-pumping adventure, look no further than Hog SWAT in South Georgia. Our Guided Thermal Hog Hunting experiences offer a unique twist on traditional Hunting that you won’t want to miss. Once you’ve Hunted Wild Hogs under the cover of darkness with us, you’ll be hooked and never want to go back!

This past weekend, we welcomed an enthusiastic group for a One-Night Hog Hunt that turned out to be nothing short of spectacular. Our clients managed to take down an impressive 16 hogs in a single night! The excitement of Hunting Wild Boars under the stars, equipped with state-of-the-art Thermal Imaging Technology, set the stage for an unforgettable experience.

What makes Thermal Hog Hunting so special? The thrill of spotting your quarry in the stillness of the night, with nothing but the soft glow of the thermal sight illuminating the way, creates an exhilarating environment. You become part of the night’s rhythm, tracking these Elusive Animals as they move through their natural habitat.

This weekend’s Hunt was not only about the number of Hogs we took down; it was also about enjoying the pristine beauty of our surroundings. Unlike Traditional Hunts where deer frequently steal the show, our participants had the unique experience of encountering fewer deer, allowing them to focus solely on the Thrilling Hunt at hand.

Hog Hunting is not just a sport at Hog SWAT; it’s an all-encompassing adventure filled with camaraderie, excitement, and the satisfaction of mastering the art of hunting in the dark. Our expert guides ensure your safety while providing insights into the behavior of Wild Hogs, helping you make the most of your Hunt.

Photo: That’s A Lot Of Bacon @HogSWAT

Why Choose Hog SWAT?

  • Nighttime Adventures: Our Thermal Hunting experience offers an exhilarating twist to traditional approaches, Targeting Wild Hogs when their movement peaks.

  • Expert Guidance: Our seasoned guides bring years of experience to the table, ensuring you get the best possible Hunting experience.

  • Stunning South Georgia Landscape: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Americus, GA, with its rich natural setting that enhances every Hunting Trip.

So why wait? Come down to Americus, GA, and book The Best Hog Hunt money can buy! Join us for an incredible experience that will make you rethink everything you know about Hog Hunting. We promise you’ll be eager for your next adventure with Hog SWAT.


Ready to take the plunge? Schedule your Thermal Hog Hunt today and join the ranks of satisfied Hunters who’ve discovered the nocturnal thrill of Hunting with Hog SWAT!

Georgia Hog Hunting

Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Hog Hunting Season is in full swing, and we're thrilled to share some exciting news from our recent 2 Night Hog Hunt!

We had the pleasure of hosting some awesome customers that came to South Georgia to join us for an Unforgettable Hunting Experience. And, let me tell you, they did NOT leave disappointed!

They took down not one, but TWO Boars during their 2-night adventure with us! Talk about a Hog-Hunting Bonanza!

If you're looking for the best hog hunting in the county, look no further! Our expert guides and Top-Notch Hunting grounds ensure an exhilarating experience that you'll never forget.

Don't miss out on the action! Book your own 1 Night Hog Hunt with us today and get ready to take home some serious trophies!

Contact us to reserve your spot and let's get ready to send those Hogs running!

Hunting Wild Hogs

Photo: Hunting Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Our Latest Hog Hunt Adventure

We're thrilled to share our latest Hog Hunting Adventure with you, and we're proud to say that it's just another example of why we're considered the best hog hunting company in the country!

Our expert Guide Kevin led this group of excited Hunters on a Thrilling Nighttime Hunt through the heart of South Georgia, home of the Wild Boars. Armed with our trusty Thermal Imaging Gear, we set out to track down those Elusive Hogs and bring home the bacon.

And boy, did we ever deliver! Our team worked tirelessly to Stalk and Track Wild Hogs, using our Advanced Thermal Technology to pinpoint those pesky Pigs in their natural habitat. The results were nothing short of spectacular - we took down two Piggies, and our clients left with memories that will last a lifetime.

So why book a hunt with Hog SWAT? Here are just a few reasons why we stand out from the rest:

Unparalleled Expertise: Our team has years of Experience Hunting Wild Hogs, and we know these fields like the back of our hand.

Top-Notch Equipment: Our Thermal Imaging gear is the best in the business, and we use it to get up close and personal with our prey.

Unmatched Success Rates: We've got a proven track record of Taking Down Hogs on our 2 Night Hog Hunting Trip, and we're confident that we can do the same for you.

So what are you waiting for? Book your Hunt with Hog SWAT today and experience the thrill of Hunting Wild Hogs like never before!

Contact us at 229-364-4016 to reserve your spot and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Let's take down some pigs and make some unforgettable memories!

We Offer Summer Hog Hunts!

Photo: Summer Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

The summer is here, and the guides for Hog SWAT and Pig Problem are trading in their Hunting gear for Fishing Rods. Every year, they embark on a Thrilling Fishing Adventure to Homer, Alaska, where they Fishing Charter Boats and indulge in the region's renowned Fishing. This year is no exception, and we're excited to see what the summer season holds for our team in Alaska.

Guide Capt Clayton will be taking the helm for the first time, and we're thrilled to see him grow into his new role. Guide Capt Max will be Captaining his own boat, while Guide Capt Ben will be returning to his Captain duties for the second time around. Meanwhile, Guide Hank is shaking things up by trying out a new role as a Deckhand! It'll be interesting to see how he adapts to this new position.

One guide who won't be joining the Fishing Expedition is Guide Kevin. He'll be staying behind to lead our Hog Hunting adventures for Hog SWAT and Pig Problem. And what's more exciting is that this summer marks the first time we'll be offering wild hog hunting during the summer season! That's right, folks - you can now book a Hog Hunt with us all summer long.

If you're looking to get your Hog Hunting fix before the summer season starts, we still have a few Thermal Hog Hunts available. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join us for an unforgettable experience.

Book your Hog Hunt today and join us for an Unforgettable Hunting Adventure!

Graduation Hunt's


Guide Hank led a Memorable Hunt for Hog SWAT, marking a special occasion for a grandfather and grandson duo. The pair, who had been eagerly anticipating this moment, were on their first Hog Hunt together. Guide Hank's expert guidance ensured that this experience would be one to cherish.

After a patient wait, the group finally got on a group of Pigs around 3:30 am, marking a significant breakthrough in the Hunt. With precision and skill, they secured their first Wild Hog, making it a momentous occasion for both Grandpa and grandson. The successful kill was a testament to their determination and teamwork.

Guide Hank's post-hunt summary reflects his enthusiasm and satisfaction with the outcome: "It was a great success as usual!" This sentiment echoes the sense of accomplishment and joy shared by the grandfather and grandson duo.

As they walked away from the hunt with their prize, Grandpa and grandson couldn't help but feel proud of their accomplishment. This experience not only strengthened their bond but also created lifelong memories.

1 Night Boar Hunts

Guide Hank recently led a Wild Hog Hunt for Hog SWAT, where the group encountered some challenges but ultimately achieved success. Hank recalls spotting Pigs on the second field, only for them to quickly disappear into tall brush, making it difficult to track their movements. Undeterred, the group pressed on and ventured further into the field, but unfortunately, they did not come across any more Wild Pigs.

As the group was preparing to leave the field, the Hogs unexpectedly reappeared, giving them another chance to make a move. Hank and the Hunters swiftly approached the Wild Hog, taking their shot and successfully bringing down a good Boar. The group was thrilled with their kill, especially as they were able to take home a prized skull from the Hunt.

Although they only managed to get one Pig that night, the Hog Hunt was still considered a great success by Guide Hank and the rest of the group. The thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of a successful kill made the Boar Hunt an unforgettable experience for all involved. It was a night of perseverance and reward, showcasing the skills and determination of the Hog Hunters led by Guide Hank.

1 Night Hog Hunt

Last night's 1 Night Hog Hunt led by Guide Capt. Ben turned out to be a thrilling success! Venturing under the cover of darkness, our skilled Guide and his group encountered a pack of hefty boars. With precision and teamwork, they managed to harvest three big boars from the same group. The bounty was generous, providing a substantial amount of meat and marking the night as a triumphant outing. The excitement was palpable as each member of the party contributed to the successful hunt. It's experiences like these that make hunting with Guide Capt. Ben unforgettable.

Best Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Hunting Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Best Hog Hunting In Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 1 Night Hog Hunt for Hog SWAT and wrote about the experience. The night started with only spotting a few Deer on the first three fields checked. However, things picked up when they came across two Sounders In A Field. As they approached the first Sounder, the Pigs quickly retreated into the trees, making it difficult to get a clear shot. Moving on to the Second Sounder on the other side of the field, they were able to get within 120 yards of the Wild Pigs and successfully took down three, one of which was a Large Pig weighing over 200 pounds. The group managed to gather a good amount of meat and some impressive Boar Tusks from the Hunt. Overall, everyone enjoyed the night and had a successful Hunting Trip.

13 Wild Hogs In One Night!

Photo: Pro Hog Hunters! @HogSWAT

Photo: You Can’t Run Or Hide From This Group! @HogSWAT

Photo: Best Hog Hunting In Georgia @HogSWAT

Guide Hank led a 2 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT, with an eventful Night 1 filled with excitement and success. The evening started off with a Guide Hank’s personal Record-Breaking Hunt, as a total of 13 Wild Hogs were taken down much to the delight of the two Hunters. The night began with a fruitful hunt on the first field, where 4 Wild Pigs were dropped with multiple shots. After a brief lull on the next field, the group unexpectedly encountered a Sounder of Pigs while on the lookout for a Coyote. Opting to target the Pigs instead, they successfully shot 2 more.

As the Hunters celebrated their kills and took photos, Guide Hank heard a strange noise in the distance, prompting him to turn off the lights. This led to a surprising opportunity as Piglets from the earlier deceased mother returned to the field, allowing for a quick and efficient takedown of 8 more piglets, tying his personal record of 12. To everyone's amazement, a 13th piglet was spotted on Thermal Imaging, hidden in a hole and barely visible. With this unexpected addition, the night concluded on a high note of success and accomplishment.

Unfortunately, Night 2 did not bring the same level of excitement as no sightings were made, leading the group to head back around 4:30am. Despite the quiet evening, the Hunters were grateful for the action-packed experience of the previous night, showcasing their skill and determination in the Hunt. Guide Hank led a memorable and eventful Hog Hunt, with both highs and lows but ultimately leaving a lasting impression on all involved.

Best Hog Hunting In Georgia

Photo Night 1: Wild Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo Night 1: Thermal Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo Night 2: Hunting Is A Passion! @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben recently led a Group Of Hunters on a 2 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT. On the first night, they encountered their first Hog on the second field, a Wild Boar located about 200 yards into the field. After a Successful Stalk, the Hunters set up and were able to bring down the Wild Boar with just one volley of shots, showcasing their excellent shooting skills. Later in the evening, they found a Sounder Of Hogs hiding in the tree line, necessitating precision shots to avoid any collateral damage. After patiently waiting for a Sow to enter the field, they were able to take their shot and successfully dropped two Pigs, ending the night on a high note.

The second night brought its own challenges and adventures, starting with a Lone Boar in their first field. Despite having to take their shots from a long distance due to limited moonlight, they managed to catch the Boar before it ran off bleeding. Moving on to another field, they scouted a Large Sounder of Hogs hiding in the trees. While waiting for them to emerge, the Hogs remained elusive. However, they soon located another Sounder and decided to merge the two groups, with each Hunter taking their shot on the Hogs together. After some field checks, the night concluded with a Successful Hunt and memories to last a lifetime.

Hunting Bachelor Trip

Photo: Hunting Wild Hogs @HogSWAT

Photo: Bach Hunting Trip! @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben recently led a group of Hunters on a 1 Night Hog Hunt for Hog SWAT, making it a memorable Hunting Bachelor Trip for the participants. The Hunt itself proved to be challenging as they encountered a group of Small Hogs, the size of which was up for interpretation - were they small or huge? You decide.

Best Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Wild Hog Hunting In Georgia @HogSWAT

Photo: Do You Wear A Hog Mask? @HogSWAT

Photo: Let’s Go Hunt Some Pigs @HogSWAT

Guide Capt Ben led a group on a 2 Night Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT. Following a slow hunt the previous night, the group decided to venture into the Swamps for some stick and stay action. Luck was on their side as they didn't have to wait long to encounter their first Pig. With a short stalk, they successfully took down a Boar and moved on, trophy in hand.

Their next encounter was a bit more eventful, with the Wild Hog dodging bullets and disappearing into the brush after being shot. Despite this challenge, the group spotted a Small Sounder and attempted a Stalk, only to have their plans disrupted by a group of deer spooking the Sow. Though the Hunt had its ups and downs, Capt Ben and the group enjoyed the adventure and camaraderie, making lasting memories in The Great Outdoors. Good times indeed at Hog SWAT.

South Georgia Hog Hunting

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Wild Hog Down @HogSWAT

Guide Hank took the group on a Hog Hunt at Hog SWAT. The adventure began with hours spent traversing a large field, with only one Pig spotted which quickly evaded them during the stalk. Disappointed but undeterred, they moved towards another field closer to Americus, Ga, where a Group of Pigs was spotted spread out. With a steady approach, the Hunters were able to take down 2 Pigs from a distance of 80 yards, achieving great success in the Hunt. A thrilling experience in the heart of Georgia's Wilderness.

Thermal Hunting In Georgia

Photo: Wild Hog Down For The Count @HogSWAT

On the first night of Hog Hunting in March for Hog SWAT, Guide Hank led a group of four Hunters on a Successful Hunt. They had a good time and were able to head home early.

Early in the night, they were able to bring down a nice Boar, the only one they encountered. As the night progressed, the Hunters decided to call it quits early as they needed to leave early in the morning. Despite only spotting one Hog, it was a night of great success for the group. Here's to many more successful Hunts with Guide Hank leading the way for the Hog SWAT Team.

Wild Boar Hunting

Photo: Hunting Wild Boars @HogSWAT

Last night, a group of Hunters embarked on a Wild Hog Hunt led by their Guide Capt Ben. It was a tough night filled with wind issues, but they pushed through in the hopes of Bagging Some Boars. Despite the challenges, they managed to drop a Wild Boar but unfortunately spooked two Sounders within the night. The adrenaline was high as they navigated the dark fields of South Ga, focused on their target and determined to come out victorious. Even though not every Hunt may go as planned, the thrill of the chase and the camaraderie shared among Hunters made it a night to remember. Here's to more Successful Hunts in the future.

Freaking Hog Snipers!

Photo: Big Boar @HogSWAT

Photo: Say Peanuts @HogSWAT

Photo: Don’t Sleep On This Group! @HogSWAT

Photo: Stacked Like Money @HogSWAT

The first field held a couple of nice-sized Boars. The Stalk was muddy and wet, but fortunately, the rain had given way. They closed to about 60 yards when we set up and fired a volley. Nailed ‘em! That was the easy part. Afterward, they dragged our pigs about 400 yards through the mud until they could finally hitch them to the Hog Van and get them to the Hog dump. Then proceeded onto a few more fields and didn’t find much luck. Eventually, at a large peanut field, they found 6 Smaller Pigs; however, the wind switched up on them and they got spooked. They headed down the road a bit and immediately saw about 20 Wild Pigs in a Large Sounder. As they got close, it became apparent that there were more like 50+ Hogs in a Mega Sounder! These Pigs had no idea what was coming, and we fed them lead. After the dust settled, our Hunters got exactly what they wanted: 8 Suckling Pigs for a total of 10 downed throughout the night!

Squeal Team 6

Photo: Alright Guys.. 3.. 2.. BANGGG!! @HogSWAT

Photo: Piggie Down @HogSWAT

A storm was brewing. The Pigs were hiding from them all night until they caught a group of 6 Sows frantically feeding. The Hogs ran several hundred yards before stopping to get a quick bite. They maneuvered the Hog Hunting Van to where they had the best wind, they hailed Mary, and began to jog. They set up only to have the Wild Hogs run again! So they broke the gear down, pursued them to the tree line, and took their shots from about 140 yards away. This group nailed every pig but only one dropped in the field. Squeal Team 6 out! 

Hog Hunting

Photo: Hog Hunting @HogSWAT

Guide Hank had an exceptional night with Terry and Ken during their Wild Hog Hunting expedition. They managed to take down 3 Pigs, although one managed to slip away during their first attempt. The first Pig they successfully Hunted was a Massive Boar, weighing an estimated 200+ pounds. It was an impressive feat! Following that, they encountered a small group of seven Wild Hogs, and both Terry and Ken displayed their shooting skills by taking down two more Wild Pigs with accurate shots. Not only were they great shooters, but Terry and Ken were also fantastic individuals to Hunt alongside. Guide Hank and the Hog SWAT team were happy to have Terry and Ken on the Hunt and we hope that they will return for another Thrilling Wild Hog Hunting Experience in the future.

Hog Down

Photo: Pigs Kill Pigs? @HogSWAT

Last nights Thermal Hog Hunt in Americus, Ga. Only Wild Hog of the night. Solo Boar, guys dropped it in the first cadence shot. Man on the left can’t show his face for work reasons. He learned how to butcher on this Pig. This is Guide Luke’s first Hog Hunt post. We are supper excited to have him on the Hog SWAT team! Book a Hunt today, lets go Hog Hunting!

Boar Hunting

Photo: Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Photo: Thermal Boar Hunting @HogSWAT

Father and Son vs Father and Son. Humans win. Ken and Tad drove all the way from Wisconsin for one thing: to kill Pigs. Mission accomplished! They stalked for hundreds of yards meandering through trenches and peanut hay on a couple of Boars. When they arrived at a good vantage the Hogs took cover in a ditch. We laid in wait for 20 minutes waiting for a good shot when off to our north a sounder of 20+ Wild Pigs showed itself. Minutes later the bullets were flying and so were chunks of Wild Hogs. What a blast! Book a Thermal Hog Hunt today! Guide Capt Ben is the best!